about us

«Sounds of Matter» is a cooperation between the Faculty of Physics of the University of Vienna and the University of Music and Performing Arts. The composition competition is realised under the guidance of University Prof. Mag. Johannes Kretz, Chairman of the Institute for Composition, Electroacoustics and Tonmeister Education

The project is funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) as part of its Science Communication Program, and portraits the findings of the following seven FWF research projects in the field of Material Physics:

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Thomas Pichler:

[P 27769] Elektron/Spin-korrelationen in Nanokohlenstoffmetallhybriden

               → Nano Carbon-Metal Hybrids


Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Christoph Dellago:

[P 24681] Nukleation und Wachstum in kleinen Systemen

               → Nucleation


Priv. Doz. Dr. Markus A. Hartmann:

[P 27882] Einfluss der Koordination der Querverbindungen in Polymer Netzwerken auf die Mechanik Polymers


Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Phys. Dr. Jannik C. Meyer:

[P 25721] Struktur und Eigenschaften in modifizierten 2D Materialien

               → 2D Materials


ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Christian Rentenberger:

[I 1309] Strukturelle Inhomogenitäten metallischer Massivgläser

             → Metallic Glass


ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Wilfried Schranz:

[P 28672] Struktur und Dynamik ferroischer Grenzflächen

               → Ferroic Materials


ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Bogdan Sepiol:

[P 28232] Diffusion in Gläsern untersucht mittels Röntgenkorrelationsspektroskopie

               → Diffusion

The team behind the concept and organisation of the «Sounds of Matter» composition competition is formed by:

Adrián Artacho, BA MA

(Freischaffender Komponist und Kulturvermittler)

Dr. Christiane Maria Losert-Valiente Kroon

(Faculty of Physics, Universität Wien)

Tobias Reckling, PhD

(DLE Forschungsservice und Nachwuchsförderung, Universität Wien)

For any questions regarding the composition competition, do not hesitate to contact Adrián Artacho at soundsofmatter@univie.ac.at.