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Past Events
- Festival der Schieflagen @ Kosmos
- Chemie Der Sinne @ Ankersaal
- Dreamscraper @ Hamakom
- Sinnliche Chemie @ NHM/Deck50
- Herschel und das unsichtbare Ende des Regenbogens @ Planetarium
- Interview @ KleberX
- Tobias Stosiek @ Florentinersaal/Pal. Meran (Graz)
- Lange Nacht der Forschung @ Univien
- Brainchild @ SUB_BAR
- Pauken & Palaesten @ Humboldt Forum Berlin
- Wie klingt KI? Wie spricht KI? Wie hört KI?
- The Augmented Performer – Cultural Heritage 2.0
- Herschel und das unsichtbare Ende des Regenbogens @ Sternwarte
- Augmented reality for immersive experiences – Cultural heritage 2.0
- Six Memos for pianist & self-playing piano @ Porgy & Bess
- Herschel und das unsichtbare Ende des Regenbogens @ Otto-Mauer-Zentrum
- Herschel und das unsichtbare Ende des Regenbogens @ Sternwarte
- Ancestors’ gift @ Dschungel Wien (13-14-16-17.10)
- Tallis in Wonderland @ Atelierhaus der Akademie der bildende Künste
- Symbiotic Spaces: dialogues between a pianist and a self-playing piano
- ICEBERG Institute 2023
- BeSurprised (Osnabrück, DE)
- workshop: digital_sound_transformation
- „NOW, as I was about to….“
- Ancestors’ banquet
- Desire Machine
- The Rocket that bumped off the Ceiling
- Six Memos for the New Millenium
- Jetzt!
- Mut, participatice choir performance
- Podcast interview: The Augmented Performer
- Podcast interview: Augmented Reality for Immersive Experiences
- /spɜm/
- Regreso (musical)
- Rosenberg Dance Research Festival
- Encounter with the mountain @ SOHO Studios
- Video presentation „Six Memos for a pianist and a self-playing piano”
- Desire Machine (Schmiede Hallein)
- The Rocket that bumped off the ceiling
- Herschel und das unsichtbare Ende des Regenbogens
- Movement and Computing Conference (MOCO’22)
- InTouch @ Blackbox Festival (BG)
- Zest @ Sonnenstein Loft
- The Rocket that bumped off the ceiling
- Vernissage: Room107
- AUBIOME: A Collaborative Method for the production of interactive electronic music
- Verge of Synchrony @ Synchron-Asynchron (Zürich, CH)
- Conducting Spaces @ Ars Electronica
- Dreamscraper
- brainchild + PUC @ Favorit Bühne (AT)
- brainchild @ Kaiserwiese
- InTouch
- SAR Conference
- SENSES @ Ankersaal
- SyncLab: INSIDE
- Artacho & Diegert @ Klangräume (Wels, AT)
- brainchild @ Adventwanderung Neubau
- Herschel und das unsichtbare Ende des Regenbogens: Ein Theaterstück zur Entdeckung der Infrarotstrahlung
- Invariants, für Blockflötentrio
- xCOAX 2018 Conference @ Madrid, ES
- World Saxophone Congress (Zagreb, Croatia)
- Performance MOCO’18 @ Genoa, Italy
- NEULAND (+ INNER) @ Schwerin, DE
- Sonification Workshop @ WVU (US)
- NASA Biennial Conference (Cicinatti, US)
- Moxonic Festival (Missouri, US)
- Aubiome – outtakes
- Tanzcafé Schweigepflicht
- Sounds of Matter
- Identity theft
- Mille Plateaux, for Violin & Laserharp
- Dwellings. Crossed Spaces @ 21er Haus
- Interpolationen for piano & live electronics
- Daedalus Project @ CUBE (IEM Graz, AT)
- Found @ Odeon Theater
- Klangstruktur Projektion
- Musical ‘Regreso’ @ Teatro Alameda (Málaga, ES)
- Falling Up @ Kabelwerk